
Reflections… The Weekend That Was…

Before I start blogging, does anyone want to buy a 2003 Subaru Legacy? Go on you know you want to, some sucker has to buy the thing.

Right, so this weekend was ho-hum, did nothing yesterday. Quality sitting time. But oh excitement in the little hole of a town I live in tonight! Oh yes indeed! A car shop placey was on fire in town! It was exciting, there was like fire, and smoke, and like six fire trucks and piggies and whatnot! Annnnd like half of the town was out there! It was exciting, not very often you get that here!

And the sad news of the day, is the Director on NCIS is dead! Yes, DEAD! I KNOW! It was very sad yet exciting! OH MY GOD ELECTION ADVERTISING HAS STARTED! My god our Prime Minister is ugly, mind you the other guy is not much better is he! Oh no no no.

I started to write in this journal diary thing I bought a while ago. It was like $160 so thought I better use it. I got bored though, so got my money out of that! It’s just easier to type and whatnot.

Right I’m going to go shopping on Trademe, tudulu children.

One Response to “Reflections”

  1. QueenBitch Says:

    I expected a pic of you on here lol “reflections” and what not. Nope its a semi serious post.

    I thought you woulda posted pics up of the fire. I’m considering it but if i do so do you think ppl will recognise our town ? I’m gonna go in tomorrow when no ones around and sneak around the building. Honestly im such a scardy cat when it comes to spiders and other such ghastly things but put a camera in front of my face and i’ll go head first into a fire. I totally would have gone right up to that fire tonight you know.

    Nationals big thingee promise is faster broadband. woop woop. I mean sure it would be cool but is that really a reason to vote for national?

    Atleast he doesnt have an add full of children. children are not the future Green party. Deal.

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